Yellow Pages RIP – Where Does the Small Business Go Now?
There can really be no argument that the Yellow Pages are on the way out. Some of the smaller market books have already been shut down and there have been a parade of businesses that have been reducing or not renewing their contracts over the last years. No one under the age of 40 uses the Yellow Pages to get information. Our advice has been as follows:
- If the Yellow Pages do not work for your business, get out of it now. Quit wasting money on it.
- If the Yellow Pages does work for your business phase out of it while replacing it with on line strategies.
You may ask, “Why phase it out if it continues to work for your business?” Answer…you do not want to remain dependent on the business generated from Yellow Pages because there is a day coming soon when they are not going to print the book. The organic marketing methods of the web do not happen overnight. It takes to time to get an audience, construct effective paid online advertising strategies and develop an effective social media program. Don’t get caught, develop your on line strategy now!